Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
BP9_2010013_Web2.0 T3-Classtools
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Web 2.0 tool I chose to explore is called Game Classroom. I chose this tool because it is geared for students in kindergarten through sixth grade and it teaches students Language Arts and Math concepts through games. My initial thought was I have been trying to find a way to help my 4th grade son with his Everyday Math concepts and games are a great way to keep him motivated. He has been getting a little frustrated, so I tried it out on him to see if it might help my 6th grade students too. My son loved playing the games and the concepts matched the things he was doing in the classroom right now.
Figure 1 Gameclassroom Homepage
Figure 2 Math Games
The more I explored the site the more I liked it. The next thing I wanted to test was the Language Arts section. I immediately liked what I saw because it had games for vocabulary and writing. These are two areas that I am always trying to get more ideas on. The games I tried were for 6th grade and I think my students will enjoy these much more than the paper pencil work we often get caught up in.
Figure 3 Language Arts Games
Differentiated Instruction Strategies For New Teachers
I chose this subscription because my Action Research is on Differentiating Instruction in the classroom. This page has the word “new” in its title however it is really useful to all teachers that are looking to change up their teaching. The page shares articles about ideas to differentiate instruction within the classroom. Many of these ideas involve technology which I will be focusing on in my research.
This feed gives teachers tools that they can use to help make things easier in the classroom. Some examples are free timers and calculators. I chose this feed because I am always looking for cool tools to use on the Smart Board in my classroom. It also has tools to help with organization and helps to explain tools you may already have. This is a feed that allows a way to see some great tools that teachers are already using without having to filter through the thousands available in other places on the internet.
Suite 101 : Teacher Tips/Training Articles
This is another site that gives teachers ideas of lessons to do in the classroom using various technology and tools that are available. The site also can help with classroom management and discipline. I chose this one because it is another resource to access for how to differentiate instruction within my classroom plus if I need to quick teacher training that is available too.
Technology Driven Differentiated Instruction
This feed shows how teachers and students are using technology to drive their teaching. I chose this feed because it not only gives ideas of how to use technology to differentiate instruction. It also gives examples of what people have already done. The topics cover all subject areas and mostly middle school and above concepts.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog
This feed has teachers discussing things like the newest gadgets, classroom discipline, lessons, and videos to use in the classroom, and even just teachers discussing their frustrations. This site allows me to stay sane and realize that other teachers from all over the country are going through some of the same things that I am. I also get to see what is working in the classroom from the teachers that are using them.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Brownstein, E., & Klein, R. (2006). Blogs: Applications in Science Education. Journal of College Science Teaching, 35(6), 18-22. Retrieved from ERIC database.
Hong, W. (2008). Exploring Educational Use of Blogs in U.S. Education. Online Submission, Retrieved from ERIC database.
Utecht, J. (2007). Blogs Aren't the Enemy; How Blogs Enhance Learning. Voice from Technology & Learning, 27(9), 32. Retrieved from ERIC database.