Monday, January 11, 2010


Web 2.0 Resource 1: Gameclassroom

The Web 2.0 tool I chose to explore is called Game Classroom. I chose this tool because it is geared for students in kindergarten through sixth grade and it teaches students Language Arts and Math concepts through games. My initial thought was I have been trying to find a way to help my 4th grade son with his Everyday Math concepts and games are a great way to keep him motivated. He has been getting a little frustrated, so I tried it out on him to see if it might help my 6th grade students too. My son loved playing the games and the concepts matched the things he was doing in the classroom right now.

Figure 1 Gameclassroom Homepage

Figure 2 Math Games

The more I explored the site the more I liked it. The next thing I wanted to test was the Language Arts section. I immediately liked what I saw because it had games for vocabulary and writing. These are two areas that I am always trying to get more ideas on. The games I tried were for 6th grade and I think my students will enjoy these much more than the paper pencil work we often get caught up in.

Figure 3 Language Arts Games

I think that this Web 2.0 tool can be used to support learning in my classroom. The games can be used to support lessons I am already doing. For instance if I am doing a lesson on Synonyms and antonyms I can teach my lesson and then have students play the games that will reinforce what they have learned and then test them to make sure they understood what was taught to them.

Both the math and Language Arts games will help my students to reinforce the learning they are getting from the lessons that are already in place.


  1. This is a good one. I have been looking for some language tools to help my grandson with his reading skills. Playing the language games has helped him tremendously on this site and sites like these. His grades have shown marked improvement.

  2. Great post, Andrew! I would love to hear about the results you have in the classroom. The next step would be to have them create their own games for each other or younger students.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Math and Language concepts are somewhat difficult for some children.
    I am glad that you found an application that helps them with the subject. Let me know the results. It is so nice to share all those applications with each other. Lots of tools, lots to learn.
